The pandemic in 1918 had a significant impact on architecture; what impact do you think this pandemic may have on the design and function of our future buildings?
Correct, a lot of changes came from the pandemic in 1918 and some of those changes are still standard practice now – think plumbing. Touching on my previous comment, public restrooms will see changes to non-touch fixtures (airports are still some of the worst offenders in my book).
The supply chain for E-commerce and food have been shown to be somewhat fragile. There is so much dependence on delivery of goods that there will probably be some major improvements to that system. For instances: mini-distribution centers could become commonplace to solve the ‘last mile’ of delivery. Apartments and condos could reverse their trends of getting smaller. Per a ULI Housing Conference that I attended earlier this year, between 2007 and 2019 apartments have shrunk by 150 sqft. Now that more people could be working from home their space requirements will change. That could mean an additional room for an office or at least a dedicated work area separate from the public space.